Data types

Entities and relations

There are four entities use:

  • Pages
  • Content (elements)
  • Page/Content data versions
  • Files

The relations are:

  • Pages can have several content elements
  • Content elements can belong to several pages
  • Several page data versions can exist
  • Several content element versions can exist
  • Page or content data contains the published version
  • Files are used by page/content versions (and thus used in pages or content elements)

Here’s an ER-diagram of the entities and relations:

Laravel CMS entity relationship model (ERM)

Page properties

id (string, read-only)
Unique page ID
parent_id (string, read-only)
ID of the parent page or NULL if it’s a root page
lang (string)
ISO language code, e.g. ‘en’, ‘en_GB’ or empty for default language
slug (string)
URL segment of the page, unique in combination with the language
domain (string)
Domain name the root page (!) is responsible for
name (string)
Short page name for menues
title (string)
Descriptive page title
to (string)
If not empty, the path or URL the browser is redirected to
tag (string)
Tag name to identify a page, e.g. for the starting point of a navigation structure
data (JSON encoded object)
Arbitrary page header elements
config (JSON encoded object)
Arbitrary configuration settings
status (integer)
Visibility status of the page, 0=inactive, 1=visible, 2=hidden in navigation
cache (integer)
Cache lifetime in minutes
start (string or NULL)
Date/time when the page will be shown or NULL for no restriction
end (string or NULL)
Date/time when the page will be hidden or NULL for no restriction
editor (string, read-only)
Name of the last user who added, updated or deleted the page
created_at (string, read-only)
Date/time value when the page was created
updated_at (string, read-only)
Date/time value when the page was last modified
deleted_at (string or NULL, read-only)
Date/time value when the page was deleted or NULL if it’s available
has (boolean, read-only)
If node has children
parent (object or NULL, read-only)
Relation to the parent page or NULL if it’s a root page
children (list of page objects, read-only)
Relation to the children of the current page
ancestors (list of page objects, read-only)
Relation to the ancestors of the current page up to the root page
contents (list of content objects, read-only)
List of content elements assigned to the page
versions (list of version objects, read-only)
List of versions for the page meta data
latest (version object, read-only)
Latest version of the page meta data
published (version object, read-only)
Published version of the page meta data

Content properties

id (string, read-only)
Unique content element ID
lang (string)
ISO language code, e.g. ‘en’, ‘en_GB’ or empty for default language
label (string)
Arbitrary string which describes the content
data (JSON encoded object)
Arbitrary content element
editor (string, read-only)
Name of the last user who added, updated or deleted the content element
created_at (string, read-only)
Date/time value when the content element was created
updated_at (string, read-only)
Date/time value when the content element was last modified
deleted_at (string or null, read-only)
Date/time value when the content element was deleted or NULL if it’s available
pages (list of page objects, read-only)
Relation of all pages the content element belongs to
versions (list of version objects, read-only)
List of versioned data for the content element
latest (version object, read-only)
Latest version of the content data
published (version object, read-only)
Published version of the content data

Version properties

id (string, read-only)
Unique version ID
data (JSON encoded object, read-only)
Arbitrary versioned body data
meta (JSON encoded object, read-only)
Arbitrary versioned meta data
published (boolean, read-only)
If versioned content is currently published or not
editor (string, read-only)
Name of the last user who added, updated or deleted the versioned data
created_at (string, read-only)
Date/time value when the versioned data was created

File properties

id (string, read-only)
Unique ID of the stored file
mime (string, read-only)
Mime type of the stored file
tag (string)
Tag to categorize the file
name (string)
Descriptive name of the stored file
path (string, read-only)
Relative path to the stored file
previews (JSON encoded object, read-only)
Preview images of the stored file with image widths as keys
editor (string, read-only)
Name of the last user who added, updated or deleted the file
created_at (string, read-only)
Date/time value when the file was created
updated_at (string, read-only)
Date/time value when the file was last modified
deleted_at (string or null, read-only)
Date/time value when the file was deleted or NULL if it’s available
versions (list of version object, read-only)
List of versions using the file
